Model SWY efficiency and root mean squared errors

Hello community

For the SWY model I am using the observed runoff data, in addition to evaluating its relative model efficiency (Krause 2005; Thanapakpawin 2006) and the Root Mean Squared Errors.

For the relative efficiency I get a value of 77% and an RMSE of 71%.

Mainly because of a lower precipitation of the modeled data compared to the observed data.

What could I do to adjust the model to increase the efficiency and reduce the error.


Hi @Nicolas -

In the User Guide, there’s a section on Calibration of the SWY model. Have you checked it out to see if anything is helpful? It references a paper by the model’s author (Hamel et al 2020) where they do a sensitivity test and adjust the alpha, beta and curve number values to better represent observed values.

~ Stacie