2021-01-04 19:51:04,004 utils.prepare_workspace(111) INFO Writing log messages to D:/HRA实验1/结果2\InVEST-Habitat-Risk-Assessment-log-2021-01-04--19_51_04.txt 2021-01-04 19:51:04,005 model._logged_target(1626) Level 100 Starting model with parameters: Arguments for InVEST natcap.invest.hra 3.8.9: aoi_vector_path D:/HRA实验1/interest area/interest_area3.shp criteria_table_path D:/HRA实验1/exposure_consequence_criteria_实验1.csv decay_eq Linear info_table_path D:/HRA实验1/habitat_stressor_实验1.csv max_rating 3 n_workers -1 resolution 500 results_suffix risk_eq Multiplicative visualize_outputs False workspace_dir D:/HRA实验1/结果2 2021-01-04 19:51:04,014 hra.execute(224) INFO Validating arguments 2021-01-04 19:51:04,015 validation._wrapped_validate_func(912) DEBUG Using ARG_SPEC for validation 2021-01-04 19:51:04,015 validation._wrapped_validate_func(916) INFO Starting whole-model validation with ARGS_SPEC 2021-01-04 19:51:04,015 validation.timeout(626) INFO Starting file checking thread with timeout=5 2021-01-04 19:51:04,018 validation.timeout(638) INFO File checking thread completed. 2021-01-04 19:51:04,019 validation.timeout(626) INFO Starting file checking thread with timeout=5 2021-01-04 19:51:04,023 validation.timeout(638) INFO File checking thread completed. 2021-01-04 19:51:04,023 validation.timeout(626) INFO Starting file checking thread with timeout=5 2021-01-04 19:51:04,027 validation.timeout(638) INFO File checking thread completed. 2021-01-04 19:51:04,028 validation.timeout(626) INFO Starting file checking thread with timeout=5 2021-01-04 19:51:04,028 validation.timeout(638) INFO File checking thread completed. 2021-01-04 19:51:04,029 validation._wrapped_validate_func(963) DEBUG Validation warnings: [] 2021-01-04 19:51:04,029 hra.execute(230) INFO Validating criteria table file and return cleaned dataframe. 2021-01-04 19:51:04,034 hra._get_criteria_dataframe(2624) INFO Criteria dataframe was created successfully. 2021-01-04 19:51:04,248 hra._get_attributes_from_df(2694) DEBUG resilience_attributes: ['recruitment rate', 'recovery time'] 2021-01-04 19:51:04,248 hra._get_attributes_from_df(2720) DEBUG stressor_attributes: {'building': ['frequency of disturbance', 'change in area rating', 'change in structure rating', 'temporal overlap rating', 'management effectiveness', 'intensity rating'], 'other_build': ['frequency of disturbance', 'change in area rating', 'change in structure rating', 'temporal overlap rating', 'management effectiveness', 'intensity rating'], 'suburb': ['frequency of disturbance', 'change in area rating', 'change in structure rating', 'temporal overlap rating', 'management effectiveness', 'intensity rating']} 2021-01-04 19:51:04,259 hra._get_recovery_dataframe(3082) INFO Recovery dataframe was created successfully. 2021-01-04 19:51:04,262 hra._get_overlap_dataframe(2864) DEBUG multi_index: MultiIndex([( 'water', 'building'), ( 'water', 'other_build'), ( 'water', 'suburb'), ( 'protect_area', 'building'), ( 'protect_area', 'other_build'), ( 'protect_area', 'suburb'), ('artficial_wetland', 'building'), ('artficial_wetland', 'other_build'), ('artficial_wetland', 'suburb'), ( 'nature_wetland', 'building'), ( 'nature_wetland', 'other_build'), ( 'nature_wetland', 'suburb')], names=['HABITAT', 'STRESSOR']) 2021-01-04 19:51:04,463 hra._get_overlap_dataframe(2986) INFO Overlap dataframe was created successfully. 2021-01-04 19:51:04,465 hra.execute(299) INFO Target projection from AOI: Transverse_Mercator. EPSG: 32652. Linear unit: 1.0. 2021-01-04 19:51:04,466 hra.execute(322) INFO Simplifying AOI vector while preserving field name. 2021-01-04 19:51:04,548 hra.execute(338) INFO Rasterizing AOI vector. 2021-01-04 19:51:04,550 hra._get_vector_geometries_by_field(1356) INFO Collecting geometries on field name. 2021-01-04 19:51:04,607 hra._create_rasters_from_geometries(1263) INFO Rasterizing geometries of field value interestarea. 2021-01-04 19:51:04,664 hra.execute(409) INFO Rasterizing water vector. 2021-01-04 19:51:05,056 hra.execute(409) INFO Rasterizing protect_area vector. 2021-01-04 19:51:05,076 utils._log_gdal_errors(68) WARNING [errno 1] A geometry of type MULTIPOLYGON is inserted into layer simplified_protect_area of geometry type POLYGON, which is not normally allowed by the GeoPackage specification, but the driver will however do it. To create a conformant GeoPackage, if using ogr2ogr, the -nlt option can be used to override the layer geometry type. This warning will no longer be emitted for this combination of layer and feature geometry type. 2021-01-04 19:51:05,205 hra.execute(409) INFO Rasterizing artficial_wetland vector. 2021-01-04 19:51:05,227 utils._log_gdal_errors(68) WARNING [errno 1] A geometry of type MULTIPOLYGON is inserted into layer simplified_artficial_wetland of geometry type POLYGON, which is not normally allowed by the GeoPackage specification, but the driver will however do it. To create a conformant GeoPackage, if using ogr2ogr, the -nlt option can be used to override the layer geometry type. This warning will no longer be emitted for this combination of layer and feature geometry type. 2021-01-04 19:51:05,609 hra.execute(409) INFO Rasterizing nature_wetland vector. 2021-01-04 19:51:05,880 Task.add_task(731) ERROR Something went wrong when adding task rasterize_nature_wetland (10), terminating taskgraph. Traceback (most recent call last): File "site-packages\taskgraph\Task.py", line 697, in add_task File "site-packages\taskgraph\Task.py", line 1174, in _call File "site-packages\natcap\invest\hra.py", line 920, in _create_raster_and_rasterize_vector File "site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py", line 959, in create_raster_from_vector_extents TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable 2021-01-04 19:51:05,882 model._logged_target(1632) ERROR Exception while executing Traceback (most recent call last): File "site-packages\natcap\invest\ui\model.py", line 1629, in _logged_target File "site-packages\natcap\invest\hra.py", line 451, in execute File "site-packages\taskgraph\Task.py", line 697, in add_task File "site-packages\taskgraph\Task.py", line 1174, in _call File "site-packages\natcap\invest\hra.py", line 920, in _create_raster_and_rasterize_vector File "site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py", line 959, in create_raster_from_vector_extents TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable 2021-01-04 19:51:05,883 model._logged_target(1635) INFO Execution finished 2021-01-04 19:51:05,884 utils.prepare_workspace(117) INFO Elapsed time: 1.88s