I’d like to ask one question. Is the water yield calculated by the annual water yield module equivalent to the sum of soil water, groundwater and surface water?
I would be very grateful if you could help me with my doubts. Thank you very much!
Hi @sunsiqi! You can get more information about your question in the InVEST user’s guide (this link) InVEST | Natural Capital Project
Hi @sunsiqi -
The Annual Water Yield model does a very simple estimate of the amount of water that reaches a stream within a year. That water could come from surface runoff or sub-surface baseflow, but these are not differentiated. Groundwater recharge is also not included in the model.
The Seasonal Water Yield model provides an index of baseflow, along with a quantification of surface flow, on a monthly basis. Like @JuanAlejandro said, you can find more information about both of these models in the User Guide.
~ Stacie
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