Annual Water Yield: Watershed


I am doing a study on annual water yield in the Ñuble and Biobío regions in Chile. There are several basins in these regions, so I am wondering if I should work on water yield basin by basin, or if I can do it all at once (clearly with the corresponding land uses and precipitation).
Likewise, with precipitation, should I interpolate to the study area or to the basins?

Thank you very much!

Hello @bmnoz_2001 -

You can run this model either way - with all basins at once, or basin by basin. If you are using the same land use map and other input maps for all basins, then it’s easy to run them all at once. If you’re using different land use or other input maps for different basins, then I’d recommend running them separately, so it’s easier to separate out how the inputs differ between basins.

~ Stacie