Attribute Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'CreateLayer'

I’m Mohsen Japelaghi. I am using Coastal Vulnerability of InVEST 3.9.0.
I have an error as “Attribute Error: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘CreateLayer’”, I have checked the coordinate system of inputs and all of them have Lambert Congormal Conic projection.
Wave Watch III sample data doesn’t cover my study area and if very far. I don’t know what should I do to resolve this problem and error.
Best Regards.

Hi @Mohsen,

Would it be possible to use the latest version of InVEST, 3.12.0?

Wave Watch III sample data doesn’t cover my study area and if very far.

I think this has come up on the forums as a problem in the past. Could you share where your study area is and what you’re seeing for overlap with the Wave Watch data?

Could you also upload and attach the logfile that is generated in the Workspace?

~ Doug

Hello dear Doug, thanks for your reply.
I’m working on Persian Gulf and Oman sea coast in south of Iran.
There is no data of Wave Watch III. I don’t know how can I gain data for this area.
Best Regards.