Cell size AWY outputs not the same as LULC input

I’m doing a first run of the AWY model and looking at the outputs. But the pixel-level rasters don’t appear to have the same resolution as the input LULC raster (30x30). The AET raster does appear to be 30x30 but it’s hard to examine because the pixels are all almost similar color/have values really close to each other. But the water yield raster look strange as it has 30x30 for some LULC classes and +/-922x922 for others. The 922m is the resolution of my input P and PET rasters.
What could be the reason for this, as I read in the documentation that the model resamples the data to the resolution of the LULC input?
I expected output rasters in the same resolution as the LULC input, which is 30x30m.

What have you tried so far? I have not done it yet, but my next guess would be to try and resample the P and PET inputs before running the model. But I don’t believe it’s recommended to resample from 900+m to 30m…

Attach the logfile here:InVEST-natcap.invest.annual_water_yield-log-2023-10-06–09_24_07.txt (18.6 KB)

Welcome to the forum @lisakb!

In any given raster, all of the pixels must be the same size. AWY does resample all of the other inputs to be the same resolution as the LULC, and if you look at the Properties of the output rasters, you should find that they do indeed have a resolution of 30x30.

But the results might appear to be coarser, because they’re reflecting the coarser pattern of the P and PET layers. This commonly happens, and is not something to be concerned about, it is simply the result of combining coarse with finer-resolution data. This is especially true with a simple model like AWY.

~ Stacie

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Hi Stacie,

Yes I indeed saw that resolution in the raster information. This clarification makes complete sense. Thank you!


Ps. Greetings from Suriname. We collaborated briefly on a seminar and training through you provided here already quite some years ago.

Hi Lisa! So glad to hear you’re still doing your good work there, I remember that seminar fondly, and hope things are progressing positively.

~ Stacie

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