
Showing messages with level INFO and higher
2024-06-26 11:55:26,695 (natcap.invest.utils) utils.prepare_workspace(161) Level 100 Writing log messages to [C:\Users\yh an\Documents\coastal_vulnerability_workspace\InVEST-Coastal-Vulnerability-log-2024-06-26–11_55_26.txt]
2024-06-26 11:55:26,696 (natcap.invest.ui.model) model._logged_target(1626) Level 100 Starting model with parameters:
Arguments for InVEST natcap.invest.coastal_vulnerability 3.12.1:
aoi_vector_path D:/研究生/学校/biyelunwen/shuju/海岸脆弱性/下潭尾数据2/aoi下潭尾.shp
bathymetry_raster_path D:/研究生/学校/biyelunwen/shuju/海岸脆弱性/下潭尾数据2/bathymetry.tif
dem_averaging_radius 90
dem_path D:/研究生/学校/biyelunwen/shuju/海岸脆弱性/下潭尾数据2/dem.tif
geomorphology_fill_value 1
habitat_table_path D:/软件下载/3.12.1/sample_data/CoastalVulnerability/GrandBahama_Habitats/Natural_Habitats.csv
landmass_vector_path D:/研究生/学校/biyelunwen/shuju/海岸脆弱性/下潭尾数据2/landmasst.shp
max_fetch_distance 2000
model_resolution 30
n_workers -1
shelf_contour_vector_path D:/软件下载/3.12.1/sample_data/CoastalVulnerability/continental_shelf_polyline_global.shp
slr_field UNKNOWN
workspace_dir C:\Users\yh an\Documents\coastal_vulnerability_workspace
wwiii_vector_path D:/研究生/学校/biyelunwen/shuju/海岸脆弱性/下潭尾数据2/WW3.shp

2024-06-26 11:55:26,698 (natcap.invest.coastal_vulnerability) coastal_vulnerability.execute(386) INFO Validating arguments
2024-06-26 11:55:26,698 (natcap.invest.validation) validation._wrapped_validate_func(1030) INFO Starting whole-model validation with ARGS_SPEC
2024-06-26 11:55:26,843 (natcap.invest.coastal_vulnerability) coastal_vulnerability.calculate_wind_exposure(1122) INFO Calculating wind exposure
2024-06-26 11:55:27,023 (natcap.invest.coastal_vulnerability) coastal_vulnerability.calculate_wind_exposure(1184) INFO Casting rays and extracting bathymetry values
2024-06-26 11:56:11,320 (natcap.invest.usage._log_model) usage._log_model(239) WARNING an exception encountered when logging: ConnectTimeout(MaxRetryError(“HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /function-invest-model-start (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x0000024100138310>, ‘Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=None)’))”))

@tzlhhu0116 , please try updating to the latest version of InVEST.

Also, this error is related to some usage logging that invest does and is not related to the functioning of the model. The model should continue running.

Hello, our current version is 3.12.1, during the run of the module, after this server connection error the model no longer runs, I can only close the software by myself to end the run!
In addition, I would like to ask you about the value of Maximum Fetch Distance, how to take the most reasonable value?

Hi @tzlhhu0116 , Are you certain the model does not continue? Please upload your logfile from the model run.

Please search this forum to find other discussions of this. If you still have questions, you may create a “New Topic” with your new question. Thank you,

Posting Guidelines

Thank you for your reply, we found out that it was a problem with the value of Maximum Fetch Distance, and found it to work after re-adjusting the parameters. However, we would like to ask you about the value of Maximum Fetch Distance, how to get the value to improve the accuracy and reliability of the model calculation results?

Thank you for your reply, we found that there is a problem with the parameter value of Maximum Fetch Distance, and we found that it can be run after readjustment. However, we would like to ask you about the value of Maximum Fetch Distance, how to take the value to improve the accuracy and reliability of the model calculation results?

Hi @tzlhhu0116 , I am glad you have found the origin of the problem. I am going to close this thread since the original ConnectionTimeoutError problem has been explained.

Your questions about fetch distances are better handled in a different Topic, which I see you already created. Thank you,