I am trying to run the NDR model but everytime I get KeyError 411. Does anyone know what this error is? Is there somwhere where I can have an explanation of the error codes?
Welcome to the forums and thanks for posting. These KeyError messages usually point to a problem where a raster input like LULC is trying to reclassify its values based on a biophysical table that doesn’t have a matching value. So in this case, could you check that the LULC input has a value of 411, and that the lucode column in the biophysical table also has a value of 411?
There users guide is a good resource for things and mentions:
Land use/land cover: …All values in this raster MUST have corresponding entries in the Biophysical table
thank you for you reply. Yes, I double checked but two numbers were inverted. Next time I’ll triple.
But now I know KeyErrors means there is something wrong with table/raster matching !