Questions for the scenario in Coastal Blue Carbon - SLAMM module

Hello, I’m using the scenario in Coastal Blue Carbon model - SLAMM module, do you have any video shows the step-by-step of the the SLAMM module. I try to use the sea level rise scenario to monitoring the land use change in coastal area, but I’m not familiar this SLAMM module, I even don’t know how to run this module, could anyone help me? many thanks

Hi @suzhen -

I have never used SLAMM before either, but have you looked at their web page? They provide documentation and a user forum that’s more likely to be able to help than we are.

~ Stacie

Thank you for your sincerly reply, I run sucessfully the SLAMM module by following the users guide and the example data. However, the results are blank and I don’t know clearly about the reason, could you help? Many thanks again

@suzhen, Natural Capital Project does not make SLAMM, so we are not able to help troubleshoot it. I know that there is an example in the User Guide where some of our researchers used SLAMM as part of an analysis, along with InVEST, but SLAMM is not our software. The User Guide text provides a link to, which did make the SLAMM software, and I suggest searching and perhaps posting to their Forum for assistance.

~ Stacie


Thanks a lot Swolny, I’m really appreciate all of your help and suggestion.

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