The units of the SDR module's USLE output

I want to know the uits of the SDR model 's output.Usle’s unit is the t/pixel/year or t/ha/year, i see the user guide is tons/pixel/year,my map is 30m*30m,if it is right ,does that mean i need to divide the result by 0.09?

Hi @Monika -

Yes, the USLE unit is tons/pixel/year, I see that the model description says that USLE is tons/ha/year, and the original equation does produce those units, but our methods convert that to tons/pixel/year. I’ll add a note about that to the User Guide.

So yes, if you want the results to be in tons/ha/year, you’ll need to covert using your pixel size.

~ Stacie

thank you Stacie,if i convet unit ,this data will be very big .I want to know as a novice, want to take the liberty of asking how the data out of the model should be compared with the actual, there is only one hierarchical data map in China, if it is the site data comparison is not required sediment transport.

If your pixel size is 30x30m, to convert 900m2 pixel to hectares would be multiplying by 0.09, since 900m2 is a small fraction of a hectare, which is 10,000m2.

~ Stacie