I’m trying to run the habitat quality model but am now stuck with the following error:
TypeError: ufunc ‘isfinite’ not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ‘‘safe’’
I thought there might be a problem with the tiff that contains the lulc data, but to me everything looks in order (the fields have a numeric data type).
Hi @hannah_m , thanks for reporting this issue. If the LULC raster looks okay, the problem could be in the table used to reclassify the raster. Perhaps a missing value in the Sensitivity table for example.
If you can share your LULC raster and CSV inputs, we can try to reproduce this. If there is a data problem, we can try to provide a better error message in the future.
Thanks for sharing your data! It looks like there is a row in the sensitivity table that has a missing value in the lulc column. Could you try filling in the value or removing the row and let us know if that solves the problem?