UFRM model error while running

Dear NatCap Team

I was working with the UFRM model and the outputs: Runoff_retention_m3_urb Runoff_retention_urb, Q_mm_urb and flood_risk_service_urb can be visualized, but there were some errors while running the model. It is shown like this:

I attach the log file for your review

InVEST-natcap.invest.urban_flood_risk_mitigation-log-2024-04-04–10_31_18.txt (18.9 KB)

Thanks so much

Best, Diego

Just for the case I am using the workbench 3.13.0. It works for me

Hi Diego -

That error can occur if you have done a previous run of the model and have those result rasters open elsewhere, like in a GIS. Check to make sure that isn’t the case. You can also try making an entirely new Workspace to see if that clears things up.

But then your second post might indicate that you successfully ran the model with 3.13 - is this the case?

~ Stacie

Hi Stacie

Thanks so much, yes the error was in the Workspace somehow, but I created a new one, now it works fine, and yes the model works better for me with the version 3.13 .



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