Carbon model ValueError

I’m running the InVEST Carbon Model version 3.6.0 and getting this error:

ValueError: The following 1 raster values [53] from "/home/dmf/invest-sample-data/Base_Data/Terrestrial/lulc_samp_cur/hdr.adf" do not have corresponding entries in the ``value_map

I haven’t seen this error mentioned in any other posts yet. Does anyone know what’s going on? My logfile is attached.

Thanks!InVEST-InVEST-Carbon-Model-log-2019-04-12–07_39_59.txt (16.3 KB)

@dave I am having the same problem with my Carbon model. Have you been able to figure it out?

InVEST-InVEST-Carbon-Model-log-2019-08-07–11_10_35.txt (5.2 KB)


Yes, please see the response to this same issue over here:

Since the value missing from your CSV table is -128, the part about setting the nodata value of your raster may be especially relevant.

@dave Thank you for the help!
