InVEST Carbon model

Dear sir, madam
I’m running InVEST Carbon model version 3.5.0 and getting this error: ValueError encountered: bins must be monotonically increasing or decreasing. What should i do for correct this error.
This is my carbon pools data.

C_above C_below C_soil C_dead lucode LULC_Name
0 0 0 0 0 Built Up area
0 0 0 0 1 Canal- Wide
3 2 8 1 2 Chena
0 0 0 0 3 Ela
140 70 35 12 4 Forest
5 5 15 2 5 Garden
15 35 30 4 6 Grassland
3 2 10 0 7 Other plantation
10 5 20 0 8 Paddy
0 0 0 0 9 River
80 50 100 25 10 Rubber
30 30 30 13 11 Scrub
0 0 0 0 12 Tank with Bund
0 0 0 0 13 Tea
0 0 0 0 14 Water Hole

Hi @Nayanathara -

First, can you try using the latest InVEST, version 3.7? That has a lot of bug fixes since 3.5, and this problem might go away. If you still get the error, let us know - thanks!

~ Stacie

I;m running InVEST Carbon model 3.7 version, but output map didn’t display and carbon storage value was missing in the output report. I obtained results was given below.
This document summarizes the results fromrunning the InVEST carbon model with the following data.

Report generated at 2019-06-11 18:59

arg id arg value
calc_sequestration False
n_workers -1
do_redd False
workspace_dir C:\Users\user\Documents\carbon_workspace
lulc_cur_path C:/Users/user/Desktop/Sanuka/this.tif
carbon_pools_path C:/Users/user/Desktop/LULC.csv
do_valuation False

Aggregate Results

Description Value Units Raw File
Total cur 0.00 Mg of C C:\Users\user\Documents\carbon_workspace\tot_c_cur.tif

Hi @Nayanathara -

Would you please post the logfile (.txt) that the model produces? It might give us an idea if something is going wrong. Thanks!

~ Stacie

when i running InVEST carbon model version 3.7, model completed successfully. But my output tif file (c_above_cur, c_below_cur, c_dead_cur and c_soil cur tif files) didn’t open. can you give me the reason behind from this.

Thank you

Hi @Nayanathara -

When you say that the output files didn’t open, do you mean that you tried to view them in a GIS but couldn’t? Or something different? Please give us more information about what you were trying to do that didn’t work. Thanks.

~ Stacie

Hi .
it didn’t open from GIS so i tried again InVEST Carbon model version 3.7 and getting this error.

InVEST-InVEST-Carbon-Model-log-2019-06-20–12_19_53.txt (4.2 KB)

Hi @Nayanathara -

That error is saying that there are Values in your land use/land cover raster (85, 89, 189, 227 and 255) that do not have rows in the carbon pool table. So first, check to make sure that those values have corresponding lucodes in the carbon pool table.

If those values are already in the carbon pool table, check the table itself. The values in it must be separated by commas, not semicolons or any other character. You can’t see this in Excel, so open the file in a text editor.

Also, it is very helpful if you post the entire log file (.txt) that the model produces, not just the final error. Sometimes there is additional information in the log file that can help troubleshoot.

~ Stacie

This is my entire log file
InVEST-InVEST-Carbon-Model-log-2019-06-21–08_16_59.txt (4.2 KB)

Thanks for posting the log file. Did you also verify that those land use raster values are also in the carbon pool table, and that the format of the table is correct?

~ Stacie