My name is Julian Esteban, and I am currently doing research on the protection of mangroves from tropical storms, for this I am using the Coastal Vulnerability model, however I have an error with the "Area of Interest” layer.
For some reason, it is the only layer that shows me an error, but it does not tell me what type of error it is. My layer is a vector layer that contains 3 polygons, each polygon is an island that I am studying.
Could you please give me information about the operation of this specific layer and the necessary parameters.
When does the error occur? If it happens when you are entering data into the user interface, please take a screenshot of the window with the input and the error. If the error happens after you start running the model, please post the entire log file (.txt file) that the model produces in your Workspace. This will hopefully give us more information to help diagnose the issue. Thanks!
Dear Sir, would you help me with this? I want to do model or application for calculating coastal vulnerability by applying different variables at any region. i can learn python. could you please tell me how I can accomplish it?
If you have specific questions about how to proceed, please start a New Topic with your question. Be as specific as you can and we will try to help. Thank you,
(I am closing this thread since it is three years old)