Hi James, I downloaded and used the new version, but I got the same error. I found the same issue discussed in this thread Error in Coastal Vulnerability Model - can't interpolate wwiii to shore points. I am analyzing the county of Lamu in Kenya. I used the data provided by the Allen Coral atlas portal and followed this guide https://cdn.cosmicjs.com/6e8b1460-720a-11eb-87a2-9be5e90cdf74-Coastal-Vulnerability-Tutorial.pdf , along with the main one. However, it seems the issue comes up before using these data. For the wave I am using the global layer as indicated in the guidelines, the same used in the tutorial (that I ran, and it worked). I tried different projections WGS 1984 UTM 37S and Mollweide. I tried different AOI and landmass combinations. Following the thread on the same topic, I measured the distance between the shore points created in the intermediate folder and the wave points and it was shorter than 200km. I don’t know what the problem is. I also attached a screenshot of the intermediate data with the landmass the AOI in the red stroke and the wind/wave points, the bathymetry is the GEBCO global model one as used in the tutorial. For the landmass,
I used the national GADM data for Kenya as suggested in the user guide. I have also tried with way smaller AOI, and different fetch distances, but it did not work, I always get the same error. Any clue? Could I try to send you a folder with the data I used? thank you so much for your time.