Coastal Vulnerability Null values for R_relief

Hi all, I was able to run the CVI model, but the attribute table of the coastal exposure output has a lot of values in R_Relief field. This leads to null value in other fields of the output. Kindly let me know if anyone can help me with this.

Hi @Nivedha1994 -

Is it possible that the DEM used as input does not come close enough to the shoreline in those points? The User Guide says this: “Relief is defined in the model as the average elevation of the coastal land area that is within a user-defined elevation averaging radius around each shore point. For this variable, the model requires a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) that covers the area of interest and extends beyond the AOI by at least the distance of the elevation averaging radius.”

~ Stacie

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Hi @swolny Thank you so much. I had missed to notice this. It had worked now.

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