I am looking for your advice with regard to running the DelineateIt module in order to create watersheds for the SDR and Water Yield models.
For my project, I am modelling ecosystem services of different land management practices at solar facilities in North-Eastern Germany. A total of 57 solar polygons have been mapped based on Google Satellite and OSM.
The DelineatIT model is run with two options:
Option 1: “Detect Pour Points” = yes.
Option 2: “Detect Pour Points” = no. A vector file with the 57 solar polygons serves as watershed outlets.
When comparing the watersheds, option 2 creates extremely small watersheds around the 57 solar polygons while option 1 creates large watersheds for the entirety of the study region.
When subsequently running the SDR model, the sediment export values differ roughly by factor 100 between options 1 and 2 (export values for option 2 are smaller) although the percentage differences are approximately in line.
Which option would you recommend to use in my study, 1 or 2?
I am attaching the DelineatIT logfiles here:
DelineateIT Log file option 1:
InVEST-natcap.invest.delineateit.delineateit-log-2023-04-11–14_11_26.txt (1.7 MB)
DelinateIT Log file option 2
InVEST-natcap.invest.delineateit.delineateit-log-2023-04-14–18_25_16.txt (29.6 KB)