Delineatelt sub-watershed

I can not generate the sub-watershed automatically. The model completes the process but only generates the watershed.

The generation of sub-basins automatically (high density or low density), should be done based on the flow accumulation and snap distance.

Hi @Fermin -

DelineateIt doesn’t create sub-watersheds (within a larger watershed) as you might expect. When you select “Detect Pour Points”, it will find all of the stream points that are at the edge of the DEM raster and create a watershed for each one. So these watersheds will be adjacent to each other, and cover the whole DEM, but there will not be smaller sub-watersheds within a larger watershed.

It would indeed be useful for DelineateIt to create multiple sub-watersheds that cover the area within a larger watershed, but I’m not aware that it will have this capability any time soon.

~ Stacie

Look forward to this in a future version of InVEST! This is a feature on our list and almost made it into InVEST 3.11 but other projects took priority.


Hi, @Fermin
I think you could generate the subwatersheds in ArcGIS.
Make sure the inputs of DEM and Threshold Flow Acuumulation (TFA), and the choose of algorithm to generate streams are the same in both InVEST and ArcGIS.
For example, Seasonal Water Yield in InVEST uses MFD algorithm to generate streams, and ArcGIS have two optional algorithms to generate streams: D8 and MFD.
Actually, I think both algorithms are ok in ArcGIS if you just want to generate subwatershed boundaries and use them as a unit of analysis. Because some small technical details may have little impacts on the final conclusion. More important, focus on the research question.
The firgures show the streams generated based on D8 (up) and MFD (down) .


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