Im receiving an error during the run of a Seasonal Water Yield model. The main message is “invalid value encountered in divide”. I´m not sure if the error is related to the calculation of the Base flow. On the other hand I don´t know how to open the code line that is shown in the message “File “C:\Users\natcap-servers\jenkins-home\workspace\natcap.invest\label\GCE-windows-1\env\lib\site-packages\natcap\invest\seasonal_water_yield\”, line 435, in vri_op” to see in detail what is the error about.
Hello, @rich, I am having the same issue as @dierestrepo. However in my case I am using version 3.7.
The model runs fine until this problem appears. I have checked the output files, because the model does produce some output files, but important ones are missing, such as B and B_sum.
I would appreciate some insights into this problem.