Habitat Quality IndexError: index 14 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 14

Dear partner,
When I try to use Invest 3. 8. 0 with the Habitat quality index,something wrong come. Thank you very much. Running log is behind.


Showing messages with level INFO and higher

2020-03-06 11:16:13,466 utils.prepare_workspace(115) INFO Writing log messages to G:/habitat\InVEST-Habitat-Quality-log-2020-03-06–11_16_13.txt

2020-03-06 11:16:13,476 model._logged_target(1642) Level 100 Starting model with parameters:

Arguments for InVEST natcap.invest.habitat_quality 3.8.0:

half_saturation_constant 0.5

lulc_cur_path G:/生境质量/landuse2015reclass.tif

n_workers -1


sensitivity_table_path G:/threatsnew/sensitivity.csv

threat_raster_folder G:/threatsnew

threats_table_path G:/threatsnew/threats.csv

workspace_dir G:/habitat

2020-03-06 11:16:13,926 usage._log_model(285) WARNING an exception encountered when logging TypeError(‘not a string’)

2020-03-06 11:16:14,716 habitat_quality.execute(366) INFO Starting aligning and resizing land cover and threat rasters

2020-03-06 11:16:16,324 geoprocessing.align_and_resize_raster_stack(752) INFO 1 of 6 aligned: landuse2015reclass_aligned.tif

2020-03-06 11:16:17,832 geoprocessing.align_and_resize_raster_stack(752) INFO 2 of 6 aligned: crop_c_aligned.tif

2020-03-06 11:16:19,363 geoprocessing.align_and_resize_raster_stack(752) INFO 3 of 6 aligned: wat_c_aligned.tif

2020-03-06 11:16:20,921 geoprocessing.align_and_resize_raster_stack(752) INFO 4 of 6 aligned: mine_c_aligned.tif

2020-03-06 11:16:22,493 geoprocessing.align_and_resize_raster_stack(752) INFO 5 of 6 aligned: ru_c_aligned.tif

2020-03-06 11:16:24,178 geoprocessing.align_and_resize_raster_stack(752) INFO 6 of 6 aligned: urb_c_aligned.tif

2020-03-06 11:16:24,178 geoprocessing.align_and_resize_raster_stack(754) INFO aligned all 6 rasters.

2020-03-06 11:16:24,178 habitat_quality.execute(381) INFO Finished aligning and resizing land cover and threat rasters

2020-03-06 11:16:24,179 habitat_quality.execute(402) INFO Preprocessing threat values for G:/habitat\intermediate\crop_c_aligned.tif

2020-03-06 11:16:25,594 habitat_quality.execute(402) INFO Preprocessing threat values for G:/habitat\intermediate\wat_c_aligned.tif

2020-03-06 11:16:27,043 habitat_quality.execute(402) INFO Preprocessing threat values for G:/habitat\intermediate\mine_c_aligned.tif

2020-03-06 11:16:28,584 habitat_quality.execute(402) INFO Preprocessing threat values for G:/habitat\intermediate\ru_c_aligned.tif

2020-03-06 11:16:30,113 habitat_quality.execute(402) INFO Preprocessing threat values for G:/habitat\intermediate\urb_c_aligned.tif

2020-03-06 11:16:31,947 habitat_quality.execute(427) INFO Starting habitat_quality biophysical calculations

2020-03-06 11:16:31,947 habitat_quality.execute(434) INFO Handling Access Shape

2020-03-06 11:16:33,530 habitat_quality.execute(447) INFO No Access Shape Provided, access raster filled with 1s.

2020-03-06 11:16:33,531 habitat_quality.execute(459) INFO Calculating habitat quality for landuse: G:/habitat\intermediate\landuse2015reclass_aligned.tif

2020-03-06 11:16:33,532 habitat_quality.map_raster_to_dict_values(847) INFO Starting map_raster_to_dict_values

2020-03-06 11:16:33,618 geoprocessing.raster_calculator(375) INFO starting stats_worker

2020-03-06 11:16:33,622 geoprocessing.raster_calculator(381) INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-4, started daemon 16080)>

2020-03-06 11:16:33,647 geoprocessing.raster_calculator(486) INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.

2020-03-06 11:16:33,648 threading.run(870) WARNING No valid pixels were received, sending None.

2020-03-06 11:16:33,649 model._logged_target(1648) ERROR Exception while executing <function execute at 0x0BA2D738>

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “site-packages\natcap\invest\ui\model.py”, line 1645, in _logged_target

File “site-packages\natcap\invest\habitat_quality.py”, line 466, in execute

File “site-packages\natcap\invest\habitat_quality.py”, line 854, in map_raster_to_dict_values

File “site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py”, line 1763, in reclassify_raster

File “site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py”, line 424, in raster_calculator

File “site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py”, line 1758, in _map_dataset_to_value_op

IndexError: index 14 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 14

2020-03-06 11:16:33,651 model._logged_target(1651) INFO Execution finished

2020-03-06 11:16:33,658 utils.prepare_workspace(121) INFO Elapsed time: 20.19s

2020-03-06 11:16:33,688 execution.run(78) ERROR Target <function InVESTModel.execute_model.._logged_target at 0x0CEB7B28> failed with exception

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “site-packages\natcap\invest\ui\execution.py”, line 68, in run

File “site-packages\natcap\invest\ui\model.py”, line 1645, in _logged_target

File “site-packages\natcap\invest\habitat_quality.py”, line 466, in execute

File “site-packages\natcap\invest\habitat_quality.py”, line 854, in map_raster_to_dict_values

File “site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py”, line 1763, in reclassify_raster

File “site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py”, line 424, in raster_calculator

File “site-packages\pygeoprocessing\geoprocessing.py”, line 1758, in _map_dataset_to_value_op

IndexError: index 14 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 14

2020-03-06 11:16:33,690 execution.run(83) INFO Execution finished

2020-03-06 11:16:47,879 usage._log_exit_status(233) WARNING an exception encountered when _log_exit_status Remote end closed connection without response

Hi @AnRui2020 -

I see that you found another post that described a similar error. As noted there, please do make sure that your sensitivity table has rows and sensitivity data for all codes in your land use raster, and let us know if that helps.

~ Stacie

Hi @AnRui2020,

If this remains a problem, would it be possible to zip up your input files and share them with us so we could debug the issue on our end? A dropbox or google drive shared link usually works pretty well.

