Invest water yeild model

I would like to ask everyone, in the water yeild model, I want to count the water production of each district and county. The watershed data when inputting the data must be the boundary of the watershed. Can I enter the boundaries of each district and county I studied?

Hi @caoxiaoran -

If it is the annual water yield model, then yes, you can input the district boundaries, because this model does not route water to streams, so having a complete drainage isn’t necessary. Or, you can manually calculate the water yield inside the district outside the model using a GIS Zonal Statistics tool.

~ Stacie


Thank you, so when I entered the model, the watersheds boundary could be replaced by the district boundaries of my research area, right? Is there any relevant proof?

What kind of proof are you looking for? Calculations in the Annual Water Yield model are done per-pixel, but the results should only be interpreted in aggregate. Because there’s no hydrological routing in this model, it isn’t critical to use hydrological boundaries as @swolny mentioned.

Hope this helps!

Where should I find the data in the Biophysical table in the water yeild model, and how do I set the Z parameter?

Hi @caoxiaoran -

The User Guide has an Appendix that gives a few sources for the biophysical table data, as well as several ways of estimating the Z parameter. For Kc and root depth, we do a literature search for studies that have been done in the places we’re working, or places that are similar in land cover and climate. It is definitely a very time-consuming process, even for these simple models.

~ Stacie