I am experiencing some difficulties with the Urban Cooling simulation for the city of Gran Temuco.
When I try to run the simulation over the entire urban area, it takes an excessive amount of time, exceeding two days. On the other hand, when I reduce the study area, I encounter issues related to the reference evapotranspiration (ETo).
Could you please provide any advice or guidance on how to optimize the simulation? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Can you be more specific? Maybe the logfile will indicate the problem here.
The runtime will depend on the extent of the study area and also the resolution of your input rasters. But it’s also possible that some problems with input data could result in the model trying to do a lot more work than it should.
If the logfile doesn’t give us any clues, we will probably ask you to share your input data as well.
thank you for your reply. Would it be possible to send you my input files and see if they are the ones giving the simulation problems? Unfortunately they are too heavy compared to the maximum possible capacity for this kind of answer, is there an email I can send it to?
Il mio problema ora è unicamente negli output in quanto non mi da più problemi di errore nella schermata Log. Il problema ora è che all’interno di un’area urbana intera mi da un unico valore di UHI_effect (CC, Tair,etc.), senza contare la presenza di elementi differenti come vegetazione o spazi impermeabili.
I’m not sure I know what you mean. Can you give an example?
In general, if you have a landcover raster that distinguishes different types of residential areas, then you could parameterize each type differently using the biophysical table.
buy I have some problems in finding the values of Shade,Albedo and Kc for each type of residential area (like High Intensify Developed, Medium,…). Or these values for each different areas (<1ha, 1-5ha, >5ha,….).
Sometimes the precise value chosen for these parameters is less important than making sure the values make sense relative to one another. For example, the “High Intensity” area has lower shade and higher albedo than the “Medium Intensity” area.
I don’t think the size of the area should factor into the parameterization. But the model should show the influence of large green areas on the surrounding areas.