NDR ValueError: Could not open masked dem as a gdal.OF_RASTER

Hi @gtmaskall,

Thanks for that information. Yes, it will be necessary that all your inputs are projected and have the same projection. So you’ll want to define the Spatial Reference System if they are not. I’m not overly familiar with rioxarray but it’s worth pulling your inputs into ArcGIS or QGIS and making sure they all have a defined projected SRS. Yes, SRS and CRS are synonymous.

If you keep getting stuck, feel free to share inputs from a failed run and we can maybe diagnose a bit quicker.

I’ll throw in a selfish plug here, we also have a geoprocessing library which we use internally for InVEST called Pygeoprocessing that might be worth checking out, seeing as you’ve been using other Python utilities. If you do end up giving it a try we’d love whatever feedback you might have!



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