I have a land-use map for the entire country. So instead of farms I have indivudal land-use fields with the other variables needed for the “farm’s map”
My question: As I will select some 5-8 land-use categories such as apple, canola, cherry…I’m just wondering whether I can simply set a 0 for all farm’s map variables in the other land-use categories. Or maybe better select one crop and set a 0 for all the other crops.
InVEST is designed to be very flexible for users, so you can organize your input data however is best for your research. The models are blind to what the data represent, so if you have a creative and customized experimental design in mind, you should certainly try it out!
Yes! You can set the farm map vector’s numerical fields’ values to 0, but the “season” field requires text values that match those in the Guild and Biophysical tables.