Dear community
Could it be possible, that we underestimate the pollination potential at the border of an InVEST map? e.g. the border of a country, of a sample of squares?
Here a nice visualisation from Stacie Wolny
My reflection:
We do not know what is outsite the squares. As far as I understand the pollination model there are some squares at the border (of a country or sample of squares) that will have pollinator supply from just only 2 or 3 neighbouring squares or landscapes. flight distance are sometimes > 1000 m, so we may miss some pollinator supply at the border.
Especially for smaller countries edge effect may be relevant.
Furthermore I will work with 180 1km squares. In this case there are no direct neightbouring squares, but sometimes for some bees with large flight distances there may be a supply from another square. How does InVEST processes “no data” in the neighbourhood if actually a supply of bees is needed?
Kind regards