Pollination python without pip install gdal==3.3.0

Dear community
@edavis @jdouglass

As suggested I am running now the InVEST pollination python code without: pip install gdal==3.3.0
(asking for Microsoft Visual C++ 14 or higher). I think the code is now running fine. However, there are some warmings.

Question: Is it right that these warnings are not relevant?

(env-invest) C:\Users\f80809100>invest -vvv run pollination -d pollination_willamette.invs.json -w O:/Data-Work/27_Natural_Resources-RE/271_KLIM_Work/CC_Impacts/NCCS/Data/M2b_Pollination/InVEST/InVEST_Sample-Data
09/24/2024 08:31:41 natcap.invest.cli INFO Imported target natcap.invest.pollination from <module ‘natcap.invest.pollination’ from ‘C:\Users\f80809100\AppData\Local\miniconda3\envs\env-invest\Lib\site-packages\natcap\invest\pollination.py’>
09/24/2024 08:31:41 natcap.invest.utils Level 100 Writing log messages to [O:/Data-Work/27_Natural_Resources-RE/271_KLIM_Work/CC_Impacts/NCCS/Data/M2b_Pollination/InVEST/InVEST_Sample-Data\InVEST-natcap.invest.pollination-log-2024-09-24–08_31_41.txt]
09/24/2024 08:31:41 natcap.invest.cli Level 100 Starting model with parameters:
Arguments for InVEST natcap.invest.pollination 3.14.2:
farm_vector_path C:\Users\f80809100\farms.shp
guild_table_path C:\Users\f80809100\guild_table.csv
landcover_biophysical_table_path C:\Users\f80809100\landcover_biophysical_table.csv
landcover_raster_path C:\Users\f80809100\landcover.tif
workspace_dir O:/Data-Work/27_Natural_Resources-RE/271_KLIM_Work/CC_Impacts/NCCS/Data/M2b_Pollination/InVEST/InVEST_Sample-Data

09/24/2024 08:31:41 natcap.invest.pollination INFO Checking to make sure guild table has all expected headers
09/24/2024 08:31:41 natcap.invest.pollination INFO Checking that farm polygon has expected headers
09/24/2024 08:31:41 py.warnings WARNING C:\Users\f80809100\AppData\Local\miniconda3\envs\env-invest\Lib\site-packages\osgeo\gdal.py:312: FutureWarning: Neither gdal.UseExceptions() nor gdal.DontUseExceptions() has been explicitly called. In GDAL 4.0, exceptions will be enabled by default.

09/24/2024 08:31:43 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:31:43 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:31:43 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-1 (stats_worker), started daemon 11124)>
09/24/2024 08:31:44 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:31:44 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:31:44 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:31:44 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:31:44 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-2 (stats_worker), started daemon 9816)>
09/24/2024 08:31:45 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:31:45 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:31:45 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:31:45 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:31:45 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-3 (stats_worker), started daemon 7316)>
09/24/2024 08:31:46 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:31:46 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:31:46 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:31:46 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:31:46 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-4 (stats_worker), started daemon 10196)>
09/24/2024 08:31:46 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:31:46 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:31:47 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:31:47 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:31:47 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-5 (stats_worker), started daemon 11960)>
09/24/2024 08:31:47 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:31:47 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:31:48 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:31:48 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:31:48 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-6 (stats_worker), started daemon 1572)>
09/24/2024 08:31:48 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:31:48 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:31:48 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:31:48 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:31:48 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-7 (stats_worker), started daemon 9324)>
09/24/2024 08:31:49 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:31:49 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:31:49 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:31:49 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:31:49 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-8 (stats_worker), started daemon 6704)>
09/24/2024 08:31:49 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:31:49 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:31:50 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:31:50 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:31:50 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-9 (stats_worker), started daemon 4168)>
09/24/2024 08:31:50 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:31:50 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:31:51 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:31:51 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:31:51 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-10 (stats_worker), started daemon 6716)>
09/24/2024 08:31:51 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:31:51 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:31:52 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:31:52 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:31:52 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-11 (stats_worker), started daemon 10628)>
09/24/2024 08:31:52 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:31:52 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:31:53 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting convolve
09/24/2024 08:31:53 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start fill work queue thread
09/24/2024 08:31:53 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG fill work queue
09/24/2024 08:31:53 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start worker thread
09/24/2024 08:31:53 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 48 sent to workers, wait for worker results
09/24/2024 08:31:54 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG work queue full
09/24/2024 08:31:54 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution worker 100.0% complete on floral_resources_apis.tif
09/24/2024 08:31:54 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO need to normalize result so nodata values are not included
09/24/2024 08:31:55 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution nodata normalize 100.0% complete on floral_resources_apis.tif
09/24/2024 08:31:56 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:31:56 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:31:56 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-14 (stats_worker), started daemon 1116)>
09/24/2024 08:31:57 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:31:57 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:31:58 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting convolve
09/24/2024 08:31:58 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start fill work queue thread
09/24/2024 08:31:58 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG fill work queue
09/24/2024 08:31:58 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start worker thread
09/24/2024 08:31:58 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 48 sent to workers, wait for worker results
09/24/2024 08:31:59 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG work queue full
09/24/2024 08:31:59 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution worker 100.0% complete on convolve_ps_apis.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:00 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO need to normalize result so nodata values are not included
09/24/2024 08:32:00 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution nodata normalize 100.0% complete on convolve_ps_apis.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:01 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:01 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:01 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-17 (stats_worker), started daemon 8048)>
09/24/2024 08:32:02 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:02 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:03 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:03 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:03 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-18 (stats_worker), started daemon 11156)>
09/24/2024 08:32:04 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:04 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:05 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:05 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:05 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-19 (stats_worker), started daemon 12244)>
09/24/2024 08:32:05 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:05 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:06 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting convolve
09/24/2024 08:32:06 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start fill work queue thread
09/24/2024 08:32:06 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG fill work queue
09/24/2024 08:32:06 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start worker thread
09/24/2024 08:32:06 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 48 sent to workers, wait for worker results
09/24/2024 08:32:07 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG work queue full
09/24/2024 08:32:07 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution worker 100.0% complete on floral_resources_apis2.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:07 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO need to normalize result so nodata values are not included
09/24/2024 08:32:08 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution nodata normalize 100.0% complete on floral_resources_apis2.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:10 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:10 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:10 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-22 (stats_worker), started daemon 10180)>
09/24/2024 08:32:10 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:10 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:12 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting convolve
09/24/2024 08:32:12 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start fill work queue thread
09/24/2024 08:32:12 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG fill work queue
09/24/2024 08:32:12 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start worker thread
09/24/2024 08:32:12 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 48 sent to workers, wait for worker results
09/24/2024 08:32:13 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG work queue full
09/24/2024 08:32:13 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution worker 100.0% complete on convolve_ps_apis2.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:13 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO need to normalize result so nodata values are not included
09/24/2024 08:32:14 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution nodata normalize 100.0% complete on convolve_ps_apis2.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:15 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:15 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:15 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-25 (stats_worker), started daemon 10936)>
09/24/2024 08:32:16 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:16 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:17 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:17 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:17 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-26 (stats_worker), started daemon 6736)>
09/24/2024 08:32:17 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:17 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:18 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:18 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:18 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-27 (stats_worker), started daemon 2708)>
09/24/2024 08:32:18 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:18 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:19 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting convolve
09/24/2024 08:32:19 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start fill work queue thread
09/24/2024 08:32:19 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG fill work queue
09/24/2024 08:32:19 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start worker thread
09/24/2024 08:32:19 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 192 sent to workers, wait for worker results
09/24/2024 08:32:24 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG work queue full
09/24/2024 08:32:24 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution worker 100.0% complete on floral_resources_bombus.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:24 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO need to normalize result so nodata values are not included
09/24/2024 08:32:25 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution nodata normalizer approximately 2.6% complete on floral_resources_bombus.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:25 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution nodata normalize 100.0% complete on floral_resources_bombus.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:26 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:26 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:26 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-30 (stats_worker), started daemon 4388)>
09/24/2024 08:32:27 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:27 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:28 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting convolve
09/24/2024 08:32:28 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start fill work queue thread
09/24/2024 08:32:28 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG fill work queue
09/24/2024 08:32:28 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start worker thread
09/24/2024 08:32:28 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 192 sent to workers, wait for worker results
09/24/2024 08:32:33 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG work queue full
09/24/2024 08:32:33 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution worker approximately 97.9% complete on convolve_ps_bombus.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:33 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution worker 100.0% complete on convolve_ps_bombus.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:33 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO need to normalize result so nodata values are not included
09/24/2024 08:32:34 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution nodata normalize 100.0% complete on convolve_ps_bombus.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:35 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:35 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:35 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-33 (stats_worker), started daemon 8528)>
09/24/2024 08:32:36 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:36 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:36 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:36 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:36 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-34 (stats_worker), started daemon 6072)>
09/24/2024 08:32:37 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:37 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:38 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:38 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:38 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-35 (stats_worker), started daemon 10464)>
09/24/2024 08:32:38 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:38 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:39 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting convolve
09/24/2024 08:32:39 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start fill work queue thread
09/24/2024 08:32:39 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG fill work queue
09/24/2024 08:32:39 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start worker thread
09/24/2024 08:32:39 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 48 sent to workers, wait for worker results
09/24/2024 08:32:40 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG work queue full
09/24/2024 08:32:41 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution worker 100.0% complete on floral_resources_bombus2.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:41 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO need to normalize result so nodata values are not included
09/24/2024 08:32:41 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution nodata normalize 100.0% complete on floral_resources_bombus2.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:43 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:43 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:43 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-38 (stats_worker), started daemon 10828)>
09/24/2024 08:32:43 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:43 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:44 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting convolve
09/24/2024 08:32:44 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start fill work queue thread
09/24/2024 08:32:45 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG fill work queue
09/24/2024 08:32:45 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG start worker thread
09/24/2024 08:32:45 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 48 sent to workers, wait for worker results
09/24/2024 08:32:46 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing DEBUG work queue full
09/24/2024 08:32:46 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution worker 100.0% complete on convolve_ps_bombus2.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:46 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO need to normalize result so nodata values are not included
09/24/2024 08:32:47 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO convolution nodata normalize 100.0% complete on convolve_ps_bombus2.tif
09/24/2024 08:32:48 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:48 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:48 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-41 (stats_worker), started daemon 7416)>
09/24/2024 08:32:49 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:49 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:49 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:49 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:49 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-42 (stats_worker), started daemon 10412)>
09/24/2024 08:32:50 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:50 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:51 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:51 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:51 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-43 (stats_worker), started daemon 7512)>
09/24/2024 08:32:52 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:52 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:53 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:53 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:53 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-44 (stats_worker), started daemon 11192)>
09/24/2024 08:32:54 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:54 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:55 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:55 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:55 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-45 (stats_worker), started daemon 1292)>
09/24/2024 08:32:57 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:57 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:58 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:58 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:58 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-46 (stats_worker), started daemon 1696)>
09/24/2024 08:32:58 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO 100.0% complete
09/24/2024 08:32:58 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO Waiting for raster stats worker result.
09/24/2024 08:32:59 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO starting stats_worker
09/24/2024 08:32:59 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing_core DEBUG stats worker PID: 9740
09/24/2024 08:32:59 pygeoprocessing.geoprocessing INFO started stats_worker <Thread(Thread-47 (stats_worker), started daemon 3396)>
09/24/2024 08:32:59 py.warnings WARNING C:\Users\f80809100\AppData\Local\miniconda3\envs\env-invest\Lib\site-packages\natcap\invest\pollination.py:1396: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in add
result[local_valid_mask] += array[local_valid_mask]

09/24/2024 08:33:03 natcap.invest.utils INFO Elapsed time: 1m 22.260000000000005s
09/24/2024 08:33:03 natcap.invest.utils INFO Execution finished; version: 3.14.2

Hello @sibylles ,

Looks like there are 2 different warnings here:

FutureWarning: Neither gdal.UseExceptions() nor gdal.DontUseExceptions() has been explicitly called. In GDAL 4.0, exceptions will be enabled by default.

This one doesn’t mean anything at this time. It’s relevant to us as InVEST maintainers, though, and will be addressed in a future version of InVEST.

RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in add
result[local_valid_mask] += array[local_valid_mask]

This one might interfere with your outputs, but it usually refers to a misconfigured nodata value. Could you check your farm_pollinators.tif output and make sure the values seem reasonable? Usually when there’s an overflow like this, it’s because there were nan or inf values in some source rasters. Some scientific software use nan as a nodata value without actually setting nan as the nodata value in the raster’s metadata, which can result in warnings like this.

Thanks @jdouglass

I was running the python code with the InVEST pollination sample data.
It seems ok, similar to the workbench output.

Kind regards

farm_pollinators.tif (93.2 KB)
InVEST-natcap.invest.pollination-log-2024-09-24–08_31_41.txt (40.5 KB)

When I inspect the gtiff you attached (farm_pollinators.tif), I see that the raster is filled with inf values, which would explain the warning. I would suggest double-checking your input parameters and files and verify that everything looks correct.

Many thanks @jdouglass

I used the InVEST standard data with the normal InVEST workbench. I got the same results. Indeed Inf values. I suppose there is something with the villamette sample data?

Here the same file with the workbench:
farm_pollinators.tif (93.3 KB)

For both, python and workbench the other files were fine.
Here the total pollinator abundance file with python:
total_pollinator_abundance_spring.tif (5.8 MB)

Kind regards

I think you’re right! I will look into this some more and get back to you when I know more about why this is taking place.

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