I am encountering exactly the same ERROR as described in a previous post 2169
I checked my shape file for any rows not populated - the file is complete and contains the 3 seasons spring, summer and autumn for all rows.
I checked for typos in the shape file, the biophysical CSV table and the guild CSV table but could not find any.
- Headers in biophysical table
lucode lu_descript nesting_cavity_availability_index nesting_ground_availability_index floral_resources_spring_index floral_resources_summer_index floral_resources_autumn_index - Headers in guild table
SPECIES nesting_suitability_cavity_index nesting_suitability_ground_index foraging_activity_spring_index foraging_activity_summer_index foraging_activity_autumn_index alpha relative_abundance - Headers in attribute table of farm shape file:
fid DN crop_type half_sat p_managed season fr_spring fr_summer fr_autumn n_cavity n_ground p_dep
I re-populated the season column several times using the CASE function in QGIS and re-ran the pollination model several times. However, I keep getting the same error message.
WHEN “DN” = 1 THEN ‘Spring’
When “DN” = 2 THEN ‘Summer’
WHEN “DN” = 3 THEN ‘Summer’
WHEN “DN” = 4 THEN ‘Summer’
WHEN “DN” = 5 THEN ‘Autumn’
WHEN “DN” = 6 THEN ‘Autumn’
WHEN “DN” = 7 THEN ‘Autumn’
WHEN “DN” = 8 THEN ‘Autumn’
WHEN “DN” = 9 THEN ‘Summer’
WHEN “DN” = 10 THEN ‘Summer’
WHEN “DN” = 11 THEN ‘Summer’
WHEN “DN” = 12 THEN ‘Summer’
WHEN “DN” > 12 THEN ‘Spring’
Can you help?
Attached the latest log file and biophysical CSV. I can provide the shape file via a public link if helpful.
Pollinator25.csv (552 Bytes)
InVEST-natcap.invest.pollination-log-2023-04-22–18_19_21.txt (3.0 KB)