ROOT error:Analysis type invalid

Regardless of the value I input into the Analysis Type in ROOT model, whether it’s “single,” “weight_table,” “frontier,” “n_dim_frontier,” or “n_dim_outline,” the Analysis Type is always marked as invalid.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Is this related to the issue in the screenshot? Whenever I open Root.exe, I encounter this problem: (CVXPY) Oct 24 09:44:32 PM: Encountered unexpected exception importing solver OSQP: ImportError(‘DLL load failed while importing qdldl: Module not found.’)

Given where it is in the logs here, I don’t think this exception is related.

Could you scroll all the way to the bottom of the console window here so we can see the latest logging and errors from the UI? I’m expecting to see an error that for sure is related to validation.


Thank you for your reply, the log file is as follows:
ROOT_log.txt (15.9 KB)

Thank you for the logfile @tandong and I’m sorry about the delay! Could you confirm that you are using the latest version of ROOT? The latest version is available for download here: Releases · natcap/ROOT · GitHub


Thank you for your reply @jdouglass. I am sure that I am using the latest version ( which downloaded from the same link you provided. And I tried to run ROOT on other Windows computer. Unfortunately, I encountered the same issue.

OK great, thank you for confirming. This appears to be a bug in the source code. I will take a closer look and get back to you with a build you can try out.

In the meantime, would you please share your complete set of inputs so I can make sure that the bug is fixed?


OK @jdouglass . I appreciate your help in looking into the bug. Here are my complete inputs for your reference: (6.1 MB)

Ok thank you for your inputs @tandong ! This appears to be an issue with how ROOT is validating one of the inputs. Would you please try using the binary that I have uploaded to this google drive folder and see if that works for you?

I believe you will need to check the box to do preprocessing as well.


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Thank you for your updated version @jdouglass . It works!

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