I am using the SOTER database and need to prepare the root restricting layer depth and PAWC raster. The instructions for preparation are not very clear in the manual. In fact, I had previously done that based on help from the forum in 2018. but I am not able to find that particular post. Could you please provide me with instructions on how to prepare the required maps.
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An instruction to prepare the root restricting layer depth and PAWC map for Nepal, based on SOTER database.
Root restricting layer depth: The user guide suggests:
For ISRIC SoilGrids 250m (version 2017), Depth to bedrock (R horizon) can be used. Note that the Depth to bedrock values are given in centimeters, which will need to be converted to millimeters to be used in the model.
Have you tried using this dataset? The only preparation needed is to convert from cm to mm - you can use the Raster Calculator in your GIS software to multiply the values by 10.
PAWC: Have you tried following the step-by-step instructions in the user guide? Please let us know specifically where you are getting stuck.
My problem here is knowing how to read the Microsoft access file for my soil… As far i remember I have previously used the maximum of lower depth for each Profile-Id from Representative Horizon Values tables. But I missed some steps on how to relate the LCODE_GEN from GIS attribute table to profile-ID of MSaccess of SOTER database. I could not attach here both the attribute table from GIS file of SOTER database for my study area and MSAccess database of Nepal. Could you please share an email id where i can send excel files so you can have a look?
As well, the Soil and Terrain database for Nepal is primary data (version 1.0) at scale 1:1 million.
Are you thinking about a set of instructions that I wrote up a long time ago for dealing with the Harmonized World Soil database? You can find those at this link (the zipfile is too large to attach to this post).
In those instructions, it calls for copying over your calculated soil parameters from Access to Excel, which might be easier to use in the GIS for the purposes of joining to your soil layer. If Excel isn’t supported by the GIS, you can export to CSV instead, which usually works.