Hi all, I am currently enrolled in the Introduction to the Natural Capital Project Approach course, trying to run the SDR model using the Gura sample data.
My first question is what should I put for the Maximum L Value, which is required for the model to run. The instructions on the course does not include this parameter. (I put 122 after reading another post, but I wanted to know if there was a specific max. for this model).
My model successfully ran but I noticed that my stream raster does not look like the example in the course.
Very sorry for the confusion. The NatCap Approach coarse was created long enough ago that the SDR model (and really all of the models in the course) have been updated since then, and now we have Workbench too! So there are incompatibilities between what’s in the course and what’s in the actual models. We’re thinking about updating the course, but it won’t happen any time soon.
You’re correct that the value of 122 is the default value that we recommend using for the maximum L value, so that’s fine to use. If you’re using a Threshold Flow Accumulation value of 1000, then even with the model updates (and regardless of the L value) the stream network that SDR creates for you should be close (maybe not exactly the same) to what’s shown in the course. If you symbolize the streams with “unique” values of 0 and 1 instead of the continuous 0-1 ramp, do the streams appear?