SDR model running error "permission error"


Thank you for all the tips you give on this forum, it helped me a lot to get every files right (I guess).

Today I finished to modify all the files where the model told me that there is an error (thanks to this forum !).

I wanted to click on “run”, but then i got this issue :

I tried to run the model, it looks like all the files I put are accepted, but when I click on “run”,
I got a “permission error”. Maybe I didn’t install the right tools but looking on the forum to look if someone got the same issue, it looks like i’m the only one who got it.
I’m not an expert on data processing so maybe it’s just me who forgot or didn’t saw something but if you have any idea about what is wrong, i’m all ears !

there are an upload of the log when it failed (just after the run click).

Sorry for my english and thank you for your help ! :slight_smile:


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Update : I changed the whole path and it works ! :slight_smile:

I have still an issue about the files created : it looks like they are cut from the middle of the run by one of the intermediate_outputs tif :
“intermediate_outputs” → “churn_dir_not_for_humans” → “aligned_erosivity.tif” is the only one who is not generate correctly and loose a part of the watershed (who is still missing in the results).

If anyone have an idea why ? :slight_smile:

Sorry if the first problem is resolved, maybe this message is not in the right topic, I’ll take a look at it tomorrow.

Thank you !


Hi @Adri -

I’m glad to hear that you figured out the first permission error!

Can you show an example of what you mean by the output losing part of the watershed? If it seems to be caused by the erosivity layer, then look at it and make sure that there are numeric values (not NoData) across all of the watershed. And make sure that it is in exactly the same projected coordinate system as the other inputs (although if it isn’t, the model should give an error specifically saying so).

~ Stacie

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Hi @swolny, thank you for your answer !

It looks like i have data on everything and all the intermediate layers are fine, only the one i mentioned loose a part of the watershed.
All the layers are on the same projected coordinate system, only one wasn’t and the application told me to change that so it should be ok for all.
For the watershed, I think that i don’t have any “nodata” pixel on it since all the other intermediate layers don’t loose any part of the watershed.

The intermediate layer that loose a part of it : aligned_erosivity.tif (1.8 MB)

For exemple, another intermediate layer from the same run : aligned_erodibility.tif (2.5 MB)

Thank you,


Hi @Adri ,

I see what you mean by the aligned_erosivity raster looking like it is ‘missing’ pixels around the edges. Could you attach the input erosivity raster, watershed input, and lulc raster in a zip file? It’s hard to tell if this is expected without being able to see the inputs. Thanks!


Hi @dcdenu4,

Thank you for your answer.

I tried this morning when i replied but it looks like even in a zip file, the watershed is too big to be uploaded here.

Maybe I can send it somewhere else ?


Hi @Adri ,

Could you share it via a google drive, dropbox, or another cloud sharing service? If the zip file is under 25MB you could try emailing to


I sent a wetransfer by email, if it’s not the case I can try by another sharing service !

Thank you,


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Hi @Adri ,

I received your files but it’s hard for me to tell what is what. Could you attach the logfile here? The logfile is a text file that is saved to the workspace when you run an InVEST model. That will help me know which names belong to which inputs. Thanks!


Hi again @dcdenu4 ,

Okey, i guess this is this file :

InVEST-Sediment-Delivery-Ratio-Model-(SDR)-log-2021-08-10–22_11_45.txt (19.8 KB)

note that for the final rasters, only “stream.tif” and “sed_deposition” are “complete” (by complete i mean feat with the whole watershed).

I will only be there tomorrow around the same time to check if you found something wrong :slight_smile:

Thank you !


Hey @Adri ,

No worries and no hurry. It looks like the R_Agu.tif raster file is the erosivity input, could you send that along? Thanks!


Hola Adri, buenas noches, Usted pudo solucionar el problema?, Tambien presento el mismo, y en este momento no tengo idea que sucede, gracias.

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Hola, adri, como resolviste el problema de permiso, a que te refieres cuando cambiaste todo el camino?, estoy haciendo el curso introductorio pero me aparece tu mismmo error, gracias

Hello @Sonia,

For this permission error, I changed the whole path of the workspace and add a new file “sdr” (or whatever the name you want) on my C:/ and directly created a new file “workspace” and put all the inputs there : the path is shorter and it worked for me !

Hope it will work for you aswell !



@Adri muchas gracias, ayer lo hice muchas veces, y pues primero busque a ver quien tenia el mismo error y te comente, gracias de nuevo.

Hello @dcdenu4,

there is my R_Agu.tif : R_Agu.tif (387.1 KB)

it comes from (R factor for the whole Europe from Panos Panagos)

I modified the coordinate system to be the same as my project and then modify the cell size from 500 (initial cell size) to 5 (cell size of my inputs).

Thanks !


@Adri ,

I don’t think you’ve shared the watershed file BV_Aguzou_Vec.shp yet, but my guess is that the watershed has the same outline as the aligned version of the erosivity raster? Looking at the comparison below from the input (left) and aligned output (right), I’d guess the watershed vector is being used to mask these missing pieces. Could you confirm or upload a screen capture of your watershed file?



Hi @dcdenu4,

My BV_Aguzou_Vec.shp is the same as the others, here is a screen of it :

The only raster i used who is different at the beginning was the raster of the R factor, maybe even after the modifications, the SDR application took the data from the raster before the modification I made to make it feat with the watershed ?

Thank you,


Hi @Adri ,

I suspect everything is fine with your data and model running. If you’d like to zip up ALL your inputs and share them I could run the model on my end and see for sure what is going on.



Hi @dcdenu4,

I just found my error, effectively the R factor raster that I used was not the one that I modified to feat with my watershed and shared here… My bad… !

Another question about the results :
For the sed_export.tif who is created by the application : the maximum export is not where it should (by it should i mean looking the rasters inputs, it shouldn’t by high where it is currently). It looks like it comes from the usle.tif created who looks the same as the export.tif. Is there something to do to make it feat more with the RUSLE that i used in the inputs as “soil erodibility raster” ?

Sorry again for this mistake,

Thank you for your help,
