Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m doing work on sediment ratio model, I’ve installed the
best Regards: Aqash khan
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m doing work on sediment ratio model, I’ve installed the
Hi @11niazikhan -
The error about the bounding boxes is similar to the other error you posted about with the rasters and vectors not intersecting - both are usually related to the input layers having different coordinate systems. Again here, look at your inputs and reproject/warp any that are not exactly the same as the rest.
~ Stacie
sir, after reprojection coordinates this error happens
Hi @11niazikhan -
When you report an error, please post the whole log file (.txt) that the model produces, it provides extra information that might help us understand what’s happening. Thanks.
~ Stacie
Dear @swolny i’ve attached log file.
InVEST-Sediment-Delivery-Ratio-Model-(SDR)-log-2019-06-28–07_02_36.txt (4.0 KB)
Thanks. I see that you’re using ESRI GRID format rasters. Try providing the “hdr.adf” file instead of “w001001.adf” and see if that helps. In general, TIFFs are simpler, easier to work with (and you can make the file names longer than 13 characters!) so I recommend using them if you can.
If using hdr.adf does not help, what is the coordinate system you’re using?
~ Stacie
Thank you so much, let i try as per your instruction if these file are not executed then i’ll send you can you check it how’s possible to running SDR model because i’ve apply all methods.