Hi Everyone,
I am having an issue with “Key Error: 127” when running the Seasonal Water Yield Model
Looking through the log, the errors seem to be described as:
“2021-08-12 18:48:08,961 threading.run(870) WARNING No valid pixels were received, sending None.
2021-08-12 18:48:08,962 Task.add_task(781) ERROR Something went wrong when adding task calculate curve number (13), terminating taskgraph.”
“KeyError: 127
2021-08-12 18:48:08,963 model._logged_target(1652) ERROR Exception while executing <function execute at 0x00000214B77A0CA8>”
Hi @dcdenu4
All of the values are either 2 or 3, however in the original data set there were values of 13, but these were reclassified to 3.
There is also an area of open water, but when I filled that in with data I got a similar result, but with Key Error: 0 this time.
Looking at the raster you sent it appears that the nodata value is not defined, so the 0 value is being included along with the acceptable 1, 2, 3, 4 values.
Could you try using QGIS to set the nodata value for the raster? You can do so with the Translate tool (Raster -> Conversion -> Translate):