Good Day, Im a student researcher from the Philippines, Can i ask how to create the SDR map, is there an specific SDR output? Because when i run the InVEST Workbench i only have the sediment export and usle output, and i don’t know how to get the SDR map, Thankyou
Help me pleaseeeeeeee:sob:
Welcome to the forum @Frederickagunosii!
When you say the “SDR map”, what are you referring to? Do you want to see the actual sediment delivery ratio map (equation 76) that is used to calculate sediment export? Or something different?
Did the model run finish successfully, or did it produce an error? If it runs successfully, you should get all of the outputs described in the User Guide Interpreting Results section for SDR.
If the model did not finish successfully, please upload the entire log file (.txt) that is created in the output Workspace. The log file may contain details that help us figure out what went wrong.
~ Stacie
Hello, yes i want to see the actual sediment delivery ratio map, and yes the model run successfully, but when i read other study for citations on my thesis, i see that on their results there is a sediment export, soil loss and sdr map. I can’t find the actual sdr map
Thankyou so much for your assistance
How can i see the actual sediment delivery ratio map? Even my adviser and my co-adviser didn’t know because this is the first study on our school that going to use the InVEST
If you want the actual SDR map, it is located in the intermediate_outputs folder in your Workspace, and is called sdr_factor.tif. Again, please look at the Interpreting Results section of the SDR chapter of the User Guide, where you’ll find a listing of all of the different outputs and where they can be found.
~ Stacie
Thankyou so muchhhh
Hello, I just want to ask if it’s possible to have the same output even all my input data are the same (dem, rainfall erosivity, and soil erodibility) except for the land use land cover. Thankyou.
2015, 2019 and 2022 are my temporal scale, but the 2015 and 2019 have the same results even they are different in land use land cover. but my 2022 is fine only the 2015 and 2019 had the same output, even their sediment export. I run the InVEST model many times and also their land cover classification report is all different from one another, but the results are always the same.
usle_SDR_2015_Output_New.tif (4.3 MB)
usle_SDR2019NEW.tif (4.3 MB)
Subtracting the two USLE rasters, I do see some differences, but not as much as would be expected if the land cover has changed significantly.
If only the land cover changed, then the parts of the USLE equation that are affected are USLE C and USLE P. Are there differences in the USLE C and/or USLE P values for all of the land cover types? For example, there’s a large area that looks like “Vegetation” in 2019 and “Arable land” in 2015 - do these have different USLE C values?
~ Stacie
Hello, the usle C and usle P are also the same.
The usle C (0.5) and usle P (1) in 2022 but the results of usle and sediment export are different, only the 2015 and 2019 are the same
In general, it is totally fine for the USLE C and P values to be the same for multiple land cover types. However, if two land cover types (A and B) do have the same C and P values, and land cover A changes to type B, or land cover B changes to type A, there will be no change in USLE.
~ Stacie