Urban nature access model age population group

Hi all,
I am working on this model to study the capability of buildings green roofs in solving the problem of parks shortage in a neighborhood for kids, adults and elders.
the results I got showed that they are able to compensate and solve the problem for kids and adults, but it showed only small improvements for the elders who still have undersupply with green roofs scenario! can you please check my inputs and figure out if I did something wrong? because the expectation is that there should be no deficts after using green roofs.

please find the taskgraph-cashe



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Hi @Shammoudeh -

Are you defining different search radii for kids, adults and elders? It is entirely possible that elders might still have undersupply if they are traveling less distance than kids and adults, even if the amount of local greenspace increases. Does their supply improve at all? Are there differences in the result output/accessible_urban_nature_to_[elders population group].tif?

I’ll encourage you to investigate the inputs and results to try and figure out what’s going on, before looking at your data myself. For future reference, it’s useful to send your input data and/or results from the output folder, depending on the situation, not the taskgraph cache.

~ Stacie

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yes I defined different search radii as following: kids 300 m, adults 500 m, elders 100 m.
yes there was improvement for elders but it is not much, since the balance still in negative values and the defict is same before and after applying green roofs on buildings.
please find the output of the elders before and after



Thanks for providing your outputs @Shammoudeh. I do see a large change in both quantity and pattern when looking at the rasters accessible_urban_nature_to_pop_elders_result.tif, which I’d guess is aligned with the location of the green roofs you added. There is also a change in urban_nature_balance_percapita_pop_elders_result.tif although it is small. This value is percapita, so is there a generally large population? And what proportion of the population are elders? If they’re a small part of a large population, I could see how that would lead to small changes in the balance result.

It is interesting that undersupplied_population_pop_elders_result.tif does not change at all. Since the change in urban_nature_balance_percapita_pop_elders_result.tif is small, I wonder if, despite the green roofs, it’s not enough per person to move any elders from being undersupplied to adequately or oversupplied. What is your Urban Demand per Capita input value? You could compare this with model outputs like urban_nature_supply_percapita_to_[POP_GROUP].tif and see if it is indeed the case that no elders got enough additional greenspace move them out of the undersupplied category.

~ Stacie

proportion of the elders population is 20% and yes the neighborhood has high population density.
Urban Demand per Capita input value is 9 square meter

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