Hi, I’m doing some hydrological modelling for a large tropical watershed (>12,000km2) and managed to run the annual water yield model, but am also interested in some seasonal implications of land use (change). What would be the best way to go about calibrating the SWY model without any measurements in the watershed? I
I managed to get / calculate the different inputs that should enable me to run the model, but I don’t really have a way of knowing whether the outputs will be somewhat ine line with reality.
I would be interested in the spatial variation (to match land use patterns) , but also the relative values comparing different land use situations to a baseline.
I calibrated the AWY model using local observations of total discharge, but this does not separate quickflow and baseflow.
*** edit: so far I have not been able to run the model tue to errors, it seems related to the DEM. I attached the log.
I read some of the other posts on the forum, tried filling the sinks before running the model, tried re-installing invest for all users, but I keep getting the same error: Something went wrong when adding task fill dem pits (1), terminating taskgraph.
@lisakb, the error at the bottom of your log file says,
PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'C:\\Users\\best004\\OneDrive - Wageningen University & Research\\PhD\\RQ1\\Seasonal water yield\\tmpgufaqoyf'
It is saying you don’t have permission to write to the model workspace directory. Try instead using a local directory that isn’t synced to OneDrive.