September 23, 2019, 3:51pm
Please see this post for a solution to the same problem. In your case the value 0 appears in your raster but is absent from the carbon pools CSV table.
Dear all,
I ran Carbon model with REDD scenario_ InVEST_3.7, I got the error below. Could someone kindly help point out what am doing wrong & how I can fix it. Thanks for your help.
The following 15 raster values [-3.4000000e+38 0.0000000e+00 2.6245880e-14 2.6245883e-14
1.5274328e-07 1.5274331e-07 1.7182995e-07 1.7182998e-07
1.7183001e-07 2.4820164e-07 3.2457325e-07 3.2457328e-07
9.9999970e-01 9.9999976e-01 9.9999982e-01] from “C:/Investdata/Carbon/Carbon_classproject/UTM…