ValueError: Values in the LULC raster were found that are not represented under the 'lucode' column of the Carbon Pools table

I have currently trying to run the Carbon Sequestration Model. I have created the biophysical table and it does match the corresponding values for the raster being used. When I try to run the model I recieve the following error:

ValueError: Values in the LULC raster were found that are not represented under the ‘lucode’ column of the Carbon Pools table. The missing values found in the LULC raster but not the table are: [0].

Here is the error details

Here are my attached biophyscial table and rasters being used:
BiophyscialTable_CPool.csv (521 Bytes)

Final_Extraction_2001LCLU.tif (6.9 MB)

Thanks you in advance for anyone’s help

Here is the full .txt details of the error and other raster being used for this project

Final_Extraction_2019LCLU.tif (6.9 MB)

InVEST-Carbon-Storage-and-Sequestration-log-2022-04-09–10_47_49.txt (5.6 KB)

Hi @matt, thanks for posting. 0 does not appear in the lucode column of your biophysical table. If the 0s in your raster are supposed to represent nodata, then check to confirm the nodata value is defined in the raster’s metadata.


Yes, after doing some thinking, as i am new to arcGIS pro, I figured that 0 is being represented as no data and added to the biophysical table. IT RAN! Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it!

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