I would like to ask, given that all the LULC maps entered are known years, does the model calculate the carbon stocks for each year by multiplying the carbon intensity by the area of each year, or does it calculate the carbon stocks for the next year from the carbon stocks for the first year plus the net sequestration for each year and so on?
We estimate accumulation by using the habitat-specific rates of carbon accumulation per unit area. The carbon accumulated in a grid cell π₯ at time π‘ in carbon pool π, given by π΄ππ‘ and measured in Megatonnes of CO2 equivalent per year, is equal to the rate of carbon accumulation in the sediments at time π‘.
The stocks from year t are simply added to the carbon accumulated in year (t-1) .
Sorry if Iβm not interpreting your question correctly β¦ does this help?
If I wanted to get carbon stocks for 2000,2005 and 2010, would the model use this formula
[The carbon stored in a grid cell x at time t, given by Sxt and measured in Megatonnes of CO2 equivalent, is equal to the sum of the carbon stored in each pool in the grid cell at any time (t), Stotal=Sbiomass+Ssoil+Slitter](http://The carbon stored in a grid cell x at time t, given by Sxt and measured in Megatonnes of CO2 equivalent, is equal to the sum of the carbon stored in each pool in the grid cell at any time (t), Stotal=Sbiomass+Ssoil+Slitter)
to calculate carbon stocks for those three years, or would it only use this formula to calculate carbon stocks for 2000, and then S(2005)=S(2000)+acc(2000-2005),and then S(2010)=S(2005)+acc(2005-2010)?
Iβm sorry to bother you.Thank you for your patient answer.