Carbon sequestration

Hi, I just want to ask can I get Carbon sequestration for each year? I mean not the tank but the flow. For example, how much carbon can be stored during a year in a forest? It seems I can just get the storage and the storage only alter by land use change. I just want to make sure if I can utilize some of the modules in Invest, otherwise I need to find other options, for example, NPP data.

It seems I can get net_carbon_sequestion_between_[year]and[year]_[Suffix].tif . in Coastal Blue Carbon model. Is that what I need? But is this model only for coastal or every land use? What can I do with that?

Hi @Tookie,

The Carbon Storage and Sequestration model could provide what you’re looking for, but you would need to provide detailed landcover maps and the related biophysical table for each year. The model could then calculate sequestration between the two years. You’re correct about this model being focused on storage.

While the Coastal Blue Carbon model was designed for use in coastal regions, you might be able to use the model if all you are interested in the model is annual sequestration per year: the CBC model relies on your input to define annual rates of accumulation per landcover type. That being said, be sure to take a look a the list of limitations and simplifications for the model and make sure that the model properly model what you’re looking for. In particular, the model ignores increases in stock and accumulation with growth and aging of habitats. From your description of what you’re looking for, this might not be a good model for you (and we might not have what you’re looking for in the InVEST suite!)

Hope this helps,

Thank you! I’m going to find other sources of data :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello to everyone

I am doing a research project on Soil Organic Carbon in Lesotho catchments. I did soil sampling and preparation SOC analysis and prepared land use land cover class of crop land, range land and wetlands. Raster maps were presented using Qgis. I am genuinely asking for help on how can i access carbon pool data of my area of study. Sampling coordinates point is there. My problem is on how can i access the below ground , above ground and dead biomass required by the Invest carbon storage and sequestration model.

Thanks in regards

Hi @Masobeng, and welcome to the forum!

Instead of replying to this really old post, it is better for you to create a new post with your question, since it really is different from the original topic of this thread. This helps the forum be easier to search and find answers in. Thank you.

~ Stacie