Carbon Model Error

I’m getting an error “The following 134 raster value do not have corresponding entries in the value map.”

I followed the same steps mentioned in other threads, but still the issue is the same.

Carbon Pool Table:
carbon_pools_USI.csv (772 Bytes)

Raster file:
Map.tif (1.5 MB)

Could you please help me?

Hi @Nasna -

Thanks for including your data. Looking at your Map.tif raster, it appears that it has 3 bands which are RGB (red/green/blue) values. The model will use the first band, so it is reading the R (red) values, which are not the land use codes represented by the carbon pool table. So you’ll need to look at your source data and figure out how to make a land use map whose values represent the land use codes, not RGB values.

~ Stacie

Thankyou so much, it worked!

Hi Stacie,

Apologies for asking the same question which was posted on other threads. I went through similar threads but was not able to clear my doubt.

html output I obtained is 25446.42 Mg of C.
How can I interpret this result? Is this Mg of C for entire project study area? or Mg of C / tonnes? or Mg of C / m2?

Hi @Nasna -

Yes, the values in the Aggregate Results section of the HTML report are totals for the entire project study area.

I’m noticing now that the User Guide is missing a description of these values, I’ll add that information.

~ Stacie

Appreciate your prompt response. Yes, the user guide doesn’t specify the description of these outcomes.

Is there a way to correlate HTML result and raster results? Are they related in anyways?

The HTML values are the result of using a method like Zonal Statistics to sum the per-pixel carbon values given in the output rasters tot_c_cur.tif etc. So yes, the HTML results are directly based on the raster results.

~ Stacie

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