What is the issue or question you have?
I am wondering if the carbon model or any InVEST model will help me achieve the answers I want. I am a Master’s thesis candidate at Cal Poly Pomona School of Regenerative Studies. I am working on a mapping and ecosystem valuation project for my thesis.
What do you expect to happen?
I am attempting to do five things. I am using ArcGISPro to accomplish portions of this task and hope to feed the relevant information into the InVEST software and then bring back into ArcGISPro for further analysis and map making. I’ve watched several tutorials and have a general idea of how this will work, but I am realizing there are nuances that just aren’t covered in the tutorial materials.
First, I want to make a carbon storage and sequestration account of an area of interest. I’ll be using the clip tool to focus on two counties in SoCal. I would like to know how much carbon is stored there, where it is, and how much that stored carbon is worth. I would like to know how much the value of sequestered carbon is on that landscape year by year. For example from 2023 - 2024. Or how much was sequestered between 2001 - 2002 or over a longer period 2001 - 2019. I am concerned that InVest will not show me so much the carbon sequestration capacity of the landscape rather could estimate the loss of carbon sequestration due to development. I need clarification on this.
Second, I would like to show how the stock of carbon stored has changed on the same area of interest over time. Ideally I could show the change between years 2001 and 2021 for which I can access LULC data easily. I would like to show the change just by comparing the LULC inputs for the two years in question.
Third, I would like to attribute the change in LULC and in carbon storage and sequestration to a specific land use change. I have a data set for warehouse facility development that I can use to show where lands were converted from open space and farmland to the urban warehouse land use. Ideally I can show how much of the lost carbon storage and/or sequestration is directly due to warehouse development which converted lands to urban from farms or open spaces. I would like to value the loss of carbon storage and the loss of carbon sequestration as a result of the development of these warehouses if this is possible. In other words, what is the unaccounted for externality of the development?
Fourth, I have another data set for future planned warehouses. I would like to show and value the likely additional loss of carbon storage and sequestration if these projects are approved a built.
Fifth, if time permits, I would love to model some alternative scenarios where carbon sequestration is prioritized over warehouse development and how much $ could be saved or cost avoided by doing so.
What have you tried so far?
So far I am collecting LULC raster files and carbon pool information and the necessary information on social cost of carbon and annual discount rate and change of price. I’ve added my land use data for warehouses into GIS as well so I can already see where the warehouses overlap certain land use types from the LULC (i.e. where warehouses that are standing today took the place of open space or farmland from the LULC raster from 1992 or 2001).
I have a more fundamental question which is bugging me though. Will the InVEST carbon tool or any combination of the InVEST tools be able to do what I want it to do? To what extent can I accomplish my study with just GIS and InVEST? Will I need to seek other software or tools to get at some of the other questions?