Question about InVEST Carbon Model

Any please guide me about this results


Hello @imtiaz_1234,

I’ve moved your question to a new post here because your question is about the InVEST carbon model, but you were posting on a thread about the Urban Nature Access model.

Based on the image you present, you have the calc_sequestration parameter highlighted with you mouse cursor. In case this is what you are wondering about, the False value indicates that you didn’t select “Calculate Sequestration” in the InVEST user interface when you ran the model, so the carbon storage values presented in the outputs are only for the current scenario. Given that you only provided a current LULC raster, I believe this is the behavior you were looking for. The box at the top of the report is a summary of the arguments you provided to the model.


Hello any please guide me about carbon storage and sequestration model give this


It appears that in this image, you are looking at the logfile from the InVEST carbon model. If you have a specific question, we are happy to try to answer it, but right now I am not sure what guidance would be helpful without more information about what questions you have.