I’ve run the coastal blue carbon model many times over the past year and recently noticed an unexpected pattern in some of the outputs. All of the output carbon accumulation, emissions, and net sequestration rasters have zero values in cells where blue carbon habitat present in the baseline habitat raster is disturbed in the first time step raster.
I would expect these cells to have positive values in the accumulation and net sequestration raster between the baseline year and first time step, and then positive values in the emissions raster and negative values in the net sequestration raster in subsequent time steps, after the disturbance occurs. I would also expect to see a negative value in the total net carbon sequestration raster (for the entire analysis period). All of these rasters have zero values for these cells. Blue carbon habitats that are disturbed in later time steps, other than the first one following the baseline year, show up as expected in the output rasters (accumulation of C until the disturbance occurs, followed by emissions).
I am using a development version of InVEST 3.8.2 which you provided in this thread in July. I’ve uploaded my input data, results, and log files here. I’d appreciate your help figuring out why this is happening and how to fix it; I can correct for the omission when calculating totals, but would like to have the correct spatial layers as well for visualization.
Thank you!