Coastal Vulnerability input data coordinate system issues

After going through my shapfiles I think my AOI has an incorrectly defined coordinate system. How can I fix this?

It often makes sense to go back to the original source of the data, confirm it is correctly defined in the first place, and then if you wish to transform it to a new projection, be careful about the difference between “project” and “define projection”

I’ll try to change the projection on the AOI but it is currently in meters and spatial references are the same.

Still getting the same error message.

I’ve tried everything suggested, and keep getting the same error messages

All of my inputs have the same spatial reference. Still getting the same error messages and for the same reasoning mentioned above.

All of my inputs have the same spatial reference. Still getting the same error messages and for the same reasoning mentioned above. I don’t understand how the latitude and longitude exceed limits. None of this is making sense to me

Hi @Cwallace3 -

NatCap is out on winter break through the new year, so it might take a while for us to respond, but I suggest providing your latest set of inputs and we’ll check them out when we can.

~ Stacie

It is possible that the AOI has the incorrect projection assigned to it. Here is an analogy:

If you try to translate a book from Spanish to German without realizing it is actually written in Italian, the German you get from the translation will be gibberish. First you must correctly identify the native language as Italian, then you translate. It sounds like your AOI has an incorrect definition for its native spatial reference, and so when the model transforms it, unexpected values are generated.

Look at your AOI in GIS alongside other GIS data that you are certain has a correct spatial reference, such as a global map downloaded from If the AOI does not appear in the location you expect it, then its spatial reference is incorrectly defined and it needs to be redefined (not reprojected). Unfortunately no one but the original owner of the data will know the correct reference system to redifine it to. For that reason, as I mentioned above, it is often best to obtain the dataset again from its original source, rather than trying to fix the broken dataset.

Thank you for your suggestion. After downloading a global map from, I discovered that it was my landmass vector that was causing the error. As I was able to successfully run a model.