Coastal Vulnerability Model TypeError: 'MultiLineString' object is not iterable

What is the issue or question you have?

I keep getting error warnings from InVEST program and I’m not sure what the problem is.

What do you expect to happen?

I thought there was something wrong with the Landmass file, so I tried fixing it, but I got the same error.

What have you tried so far?

I tried to match the coastline data and landmass data and completed the validity check analysis using the QGIS program, but an error occurred.

Upload the logfile using the :outbox_tray: button

And if the error persists even after receiving feedback through log file sharing, I would like to ask if you could share the input data so that we can check the error.
InVEST-natcap.invest.coastal_vulnerability-log-2024-09-04–15_11_09.txt (3.7 KB)
InVEST-natcap.invest.coastal_vulnerability-log-2024-09-04–14_32_04.txt (4.4 KB)

Hi @SG_LEE , thank you for posting your logfiles. I think you are probably right that the issue is with the Landmass layer. If you can share that layer, and your Area of Interest, I can try to resolve the issue.

Thank you,