Hi @SG_LEE , thank you for posting your logfiles. I think you are probably right that the issue is with the Landmass layer. If you can share that layer, and your Area of Interest, I can try to resolve the issue.
I used these data(aoi, aoi_300, Landmasses_5179, Landmasses_5179_dis)
I tried using 2 of each, 4 combinations in total, but it didn’t work out well.
Please check it once.
Thank you.
Please understand that the file size is large so I am sending it as a Google Drive link.
Hi @SG_LEE , thanks for sharing these data. I recommend that you first try using a much, much simpler AOI. The AOI should not be identical to the landmass (this may be the source of the error). For the AOI, simply draw a polygon around the area you wish to analyze. The edges of the landmass within the AOI polygon are treated as the coastline. More details: Coastal Vulnerability Model — InVEST® documentation
For the landmass, I suggest not using the dissolved version. And I also recommend using a layer with less detail. The detail of the landmass should not be a problem, but it will make the model take much, much longer. There are features in your landmass layer as small as 3 meters across! If you’re desired model resolution is 300m, this extra detail in the landmass is not useful.
Finally, I suggest using a large model resolution (maybe 10000 meters, given the size of your study area) until you successfully complete a run without errors. Then you may reduce the resolution as desired.
I have the same problem, I got the same error message.
I tried some alternatives of my AOI -not the landmass- file, also a coule of different model resolutions (1-10km), but nothing changed.
As the problem is similar I didn’t create a new post… I attach my log file as well as AOI and landmass. I would appreciate your help, I need it to work.
p.s. The model run successfully with a landmass and AOI of similar complexity, so I am not sure what the problem is in this case. Also, I have simplified the AOI if it helps (exclude very small landmasses from the model), still I cannot oversimplify it… Finally, I have also divided the AOI into smaller ones (in order to merge the final results), which was successful but not for all of them.