Error ‘MultiLineString’ in Coastal Vulnerability Model: AOI and WWIII Data Challenges

Hi everyone!

I’m trying to run the Coastal Vulnerability Model for my global-scale analysis, focusing on tropical and subtropical regions where mangroves occur. At first I’d a problem because WWIII couldn’t be interpolated to the shore points. Reading some discussion in the forum helped a lot, specially Error in Coastal Vulnerability Model - can't interpolate wwiii to shore points, where Dave explained that all shore points must have WWIII data within 3 degrees (or about 200 km), I reduced my AOI to include only shore points within a 2.6-degree distance from the WWIII data and tried running the model again.

Sadly I faced another problem. The error message now says “‘MultiLineString’ object is not iterable.” Based on further research in the forum, I tried simplifying my landmass polygon to a 10 cm resolution, but it still didn’t work.
This leads me to think that my AOI might be too large and complex, as it covers multiple continents and islands. I am attaching the scripts, landmass (original and simplified) and AOI (original and reduced to 2.6 degree) data for easier visualization.

Datas: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

Thank you very much in advance for any help or insights

Hi @marianamendesm , thank you describing all your efforts to solve this problem.

Please always be sure to attach your invest logfile here so we can easily see which version of the model you are running, and the complete error message.

Hi Dave! Thanks for your response! Unfortunately, the link expired before the reply. The data was too large to attach here, which is why I used the link—I thought it would be easier. To avoid this problem, I’m attaching a link to my Drive. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your time!

@marianamendesm thank you! Please always attach the logfile directly to the post, even if you have other large data to share. It’s convenient for us to quickly review the logfile.

After reviewing the log, I believe this issue has been fixed in the most recent release. CV: TypeError: 'MultiLineString' object is not iterable · Issue #1657 · natcap/invest · GitHub

Could you please try version 3.14.3?
Thank you,

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