Habitat Quality Modeling Using InVEST 3.12.1

What is the issue or question you have?

What do you expect to happen?

What have you tried so far?

Attach the logfile here:

n_workers -1
sensitivity_table_path C:\Users\pc\Desktop\Land Use Planning\Draft_SEA_ Report\Analysis_Scenario_I\Habitat Quality Modeling\Sensativity_CSV.csv
threats_table_path C:\Users\pc\Desktop\Land Use Planning\Draft_SEA_ Report\Analysis_Scenario_I\Habitat Quality Modeling\Threat_Table.csv
workspace_dir C:\Users\pc\Desktop\Land Use Planning\Draft_SEA_ Report\Analysis_Scenario_I\Habitat Quality Modeling

02/18/2023 17:04:51 natcap.invest.habitat_quality INFO Starting execute of Habitat Quality model.
02/18/2023 17:04:51 natcap.invest.habitat_quality INFO Creating workspace
02/18/2023 17:04:51 natcap.invest.habitat_quality INFO Checking Threat and Sensitivity tables for compliance
02/18/2023 17:04:51 natcap.invest.utils WARNING Empty or NaN values were found in the table: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\Land Use Planning\Draft_SEA_ Report\Analysis_Scenario_I\Habitat Quality Modeling\Threat_Table.csv.
02/18/2023 17:04:51 natcap.invest.utils ERROR Exception while executing natcap.invest.habitat_quality
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “natcap\invest\utils.py”, line 164, in prepare_workspace
File “invest\cli.py”, line 486, in main
File “natcap\invest\habitat_quality.py”, line 289, in execute
File “natcap\invest\habitat_quality.py”, line 290, in
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘bare land’
02/18/2023 17:04:51 natcap.invest.utils INFO Elapsed time: 0.04s
02/18/2023 17:04:51 natcap.invest.utils INFO Execution finished

Your sensitivity table is incorrect. The LULC column should contain integer codes for each land cover class, not their names. For example, instead of bare land, you should put the integer code corresponding to the bare land class.

Emily SothThank you for your swift response.


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