How could i deal with the occurred error concerning the USLE_c parameter in SDR?

Error.txt (5.7 KB)

Welcome to the forums @Chelan !

You’re getting this error message because the model requires that your biophysical table has a column called “usle_c”. Feel free to upload your table here so we can take a look at it if this column should be there.

But from your logfile I see that you’re running InVEST 3.3.1, which is really very out of date. I strongly recommend that you update to the latest version of InVEST which can be downloaded from here: InVEST | Natural Capital Project.


Dear James,
Thank you for your explanation and recommendation, you helped me a lot while I was working on the water yield, I extensively appreciate your kind consideration and guidance. actually, my biophysical table comes from three columns including Lucode, Usle_c, and Usle_p as recommended by the model user guide. I am going to update the model, in case of any error, I will share the table here to kindly guide me.

Warm regards

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Dear James,
I have updated my InVEST, not to the last one (3.9.2), I didn’t recognize why updating to the last one failed, my computer might couldn’t meet all the requirements for its installation. Again, I came across an error message similar to the one I had shared before, please take a look at this error type through the attached files and guide me on how could I handle it.
Warm regards

Error_new.txt (6.0 KB)

Sorry I
Biophysicaltable.csv (92 Bytes)
forgot to attach the biophysical table

I would like to share the point that I found the error in the biophysical table, but the other error occurred again, please see the attached picture.

Hi @Chelan,

Thanks for updating InVEST to a newer version. If I understand correctly, you installed 3.9.2 because you had trouble installing 3.12.0? If that’s right, we would love to get more details on the issues you had trying to update to the latest version, 3.12.0.

As for the error you’re seeing, this is a result of the LULC raster having a value of 5 that is not represented in the Biophysical table under the lucode column. From the table you shared, it looks like the lucode values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. So you’ll need to add the LULC class 5 to your table or convert that LULC class type to another class.


~ Doug

Dear Doug,
Please accept my warm gratitude for your reply, yes, you are precisely right, I couldn’t renew my InVEST to the last version, I am absolutely willing to use your guidance to update, but right now, since I’m running short of time I need to proceed my work as soon as possible. it sounds a bit strange, there is no land use type devoted to code 5 in my land use map, it might take the value instead, there is a value column starting from 1-5 corresponding to the Lucode 0-4. Could you please put me in the right pass regarding the possibility of recognizing the Value column instead of the column carrying Lucode in the land use map?

Warm regards

As I imagined, the model had recognized the Value column instead of the Lucode column by mistake, once I deleted the Value column, it performed successfully.

Thank you again for your kind consideration

Warm regards

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